Friday, December 31, 2010


Firstly I am a young teenage vegetarian girl living in the United Kingdom. I am a Capricorn, therefore I am organised, practical, pessimistic and down to earth. I LOVE to shop, and I will spend my money stupidly and spontaneously. I have many habits some of which are secret, so in effect I have many secrets.

I have spent a massive part of my life living in France, I have only just moved back since the start of July because I dispised the french system and didn't want to study in college there, also my current boyfriend is in England and I couldn't bare not seeing him often enough, so I made my decision. As much as I hated where I lived,(don't get me wrong, I like France, just not the area in which I lived) the country helped me learn french fluently, so now I am bilingual and I am in the process of learning Spanish. I am half English half Armenian.

I appear to be a rather intelligent person however I prefer to live life easy. I have no aims nor ambitions, and I'd never let work take over my life as I think that would be a waste of time. I love having nights out with friends and just enjoying life to the full. I'm a massive flirt too (disadvantage).
You could also say I'm an atheist. :)

'Vintage' is best. It's me, that won't change.

and yes, I love cats. If you don't, you're not welcome here


  1. welcome to the blogosphere. love your little blog header with the collar detail.

    Helen, X

  2. your blog is looking so lovely and i adore kings of leon too. in fact, i cried when i first saw them live! haha! x

  3. aw what a sweet post! welcome to the blogging world, and you seem like you will be an awesome blogger :)

  4. I love cats and that picture is so cute. If your a vintage lover I'm sure your blogs going to be great xxx
